One of my favorite products that I offer is a set of three in square mini books. These little books are perfect gifts for grandparents or even for mom and dad to take to work or to have in a basket in the family room (we have several from different sessions I’ve done with my own children for family and guests to look through). They come in sets of three and are 3″ square accordian style. These books are custom designed by me from your session by simply choosing your 8-10 favorite images. If you have an upcoming session, be sure to add this product to your wish list and if you’ve had a session from me in the past and would like to order a set, just send me an email and we can get working on them. The set of three is priced at $50.
Weekend dates are filling up fast as well as some weeknight evenings for fall sessions. Please email me at to schedule your session today!
Click here to schedule your upcoming family photography session for Salt Lake City.