Another day, another opportunity to document your everyday life…
Today is all about your daily routine. Is it different everyday? Or is it more like the same thing day in and day out? Do you feel like you’re in a never ending cycle of laundry and dishes and diapers and runny noses? Or is it more like commuting and meetings and lunch breaks and papers and projects? Or is it somewhere in between? What does your typical day look like? Although mine differs slightly everyday, it is really a whole lot of the same-ness. For now.
For me, this prompt didn’t seem that exciting. Laundry and dishes and blog work and photography work and taxi-ing the kids to their respective places. What kind of photos are those? Who is going to want to look at those in 10 years? But if I really think about it…it’s a lot different than it was just last year at this time. It’s different than it will be next year at this time. Time seems to go so slowly, but things change so very quickly.
In looking at my little collage above what I noticed is that we spend a lot of time in the car. I take the kids to school, I pick them up, we go to practices and come back home. Which might be why we have a lot of good conversations in the car…they’re my captive audience. We love football, so if there is a game on, we’re usually watching. Most dinners are spent together these days, but often we’re eating dinner in shifts between practices. My oldest two still walk to the car together which means that I know they wait for each other at the school before heading out to my car…I love that.
Today I challenge you to think a bit about your everyday routines. Your never ending baskets of laundry and dishes in the sink. Think about what you want to remember when there aren’t kids at home. Think about what you wish you could remember about your own everyday routines as a kid. What about your parents? What do you think a typical Friday looked like in their world? Grab your phone and set the timer for 60 minutes and take a photo every hour for a day…what do you end up with?
This post is part of a 31 day series. Read the first post here about documenting everyday life.
[…] day three | daily routines […]
[…] worktime may look a lot like this post about documenting your daily routines or it may look a little different. You may work outside the home full time or part time or maybe […]