Visiting London was amazing. I loved so many things about the city, seeing all of the architecture that I had studied in school up close and personal was so incredible. One of my favorite things about the city was all of the little details around town. I loved seeing all of the old mixed with the new. Driving around on the bus tour we saw so much amazing history and got to explore many different parts of the city. Below are several of my favorite little details that I discovered along the way.
An adorable little cherub, just hanging out on a building.
At Windsor Castle one of the openings in the exterior walls…I just loved seeing and feeling the old walls, knowing that these stone walls were so very old and have been touched by so many people throughout history.
More old, old stone walls…
Looking up at the underside of a staircase in the Tower of London…
Graffiti by prisoners in The Beauchamp Tower…so amazing to see the intricate carvings done by these prisoners so very many years ago.
Close up of one of the many Ravens kept at the Tower of London…
An outbuilding at the Tower of London…
Another sweet cherub…
Intricate carvings on buildings throughout town…
Ivy climbing the walls surrounding Windsor Castle…
The ceiling details in the halls outside Westminster Abbey…
These pictures are gorgeous!!!