hello + welcome 2015…
I’m so excited for this new year and all of the things that come along with it! The start of a new year is always exciting to me, a fresh new start, new planning (I love to plan), new goals to set and start to strive for…it’s an exciting time!
One of the things that I have been doing for the past several years (along with regular resolutions and goal setting) is selecting One Little Word to represent and focus on for the coming year. This is a concept used by many but I was introduced to it by my friend Ali Edwards. She has a lot of information on her blog about it that can be found here and also offers a great class to keep you motivated all year long. Ali is someone that I admire greatly in her storytelling and memory keeping and is a great person who I’ve known for many years through the scrapbooking world.
Over the years, I have had some great words that I’ve loved that have served me well. Focus, Happy and Strive are ones that come to mind. This year I wanted to choose a stronger action word that really pushed me in the direction that I wanted to go for both my personal and business lives.
This year I chose the word: work. I love this word and have already seen ways that it has pushed me to be a better me…which is really what it is all about for me. I just want to be at my best.
What about you? Do you choose a word for yourself each year? What about resolutions and goal setting? What have you tried in the past that’s worked – or hasn’t worked? What are you doing this year?
There are many exciting things going on at Carrie Owens Photography and I’m ready to get going on creating a great year. It was a busy fall and I’m looking forward to posting about some of those sessions and talk about the studio and other new things on the horizon.